May 22, 2011

New Wheels!

Grandpa Maher is in town from Scottsdale, Arizona, and staying with us. We all love Grandpa...everyone loves Grandpa! Steve and I gave him a job as soon as he got to Omaha. That job was to help Melissa buy a car! He was to be her "bargaining" person. Melissa has been driving a '94 Honda the last 5 years. My sister, Kathy, had previously owned it. The car was 17 years old with 128,000 miles. Time for Melissa to buy!

Grandpa, (Tom), Steve, Melissa and I all went car shopping. Melissa purchased a Hyundai 2011 Tucson! She had her eye on this car model for the past month. Grandpa did a great job helping her. Now Melissa is in debt like everyone else. She sure is a happy poor person!

 Melissa and Grandpa

Melissa and Iris (named after the color of her new ride)
The school year, 2010-2011, will end this week. Many fun activities have been scheduled for the last few days. One of the activities this past week was  "Bug Day"! The kindergarteners participated in many hands-on lessons about bugs! They even made their own dirtcups (oreo cookie crumbs and gummy worms) for snack. We are so blessed that Melissa was able to continue her teaching this past semester. The classroom truly is her "happy place"! Life is good! God is great!

 Bug Day activities

 Bug Day activities

Bug Day activities
Kindergarten Quotes:
  • Kindergartener:"Miss Maher do worms have eyes?"  Melissa:"I'm not sure. We will have to google it." Kindergartener: " Well, there's our google question for the day!" Melissa is thinking she maybe using google's "words of wisdom" alittle too much in her classroom!  
  • After being a part of Girls on the Run a boy asked his mother "Can Miss Maher do a Boys on the Run? I would like to show her how fast I run!"


  1. Love the new wheels. So glad to see how well you are doing. Thinking of you and know that positive vibes are coming your way.

  2. Haven't read the blog for a while and haven't seen Uncle T in a long while! He looks good - especially with that cute young chick with the new car! Hang in there Melissa, we are sending lots of prayers your way! Kathy and Ted Baer
