Melissa has been feeling her heart race along with some heartburn this past week. Thursday morning, she called Dr. Bierman's office and told them of her unusual feelings. An appointment was set up for Melissa that afternoon.
Steve, Melissa, and I were at the Med Center for 5 hours on Thursday. The doctors told us that heartburn is a common side effect from chemo. However, blood clots in the lungs is also a side effect from chemo. To be on the safe side the doctors took many tests. Melissa had her blood checked, an EKG and a CT scan. The tests came back clean! Blood is good! EKG is good! CT scan is good! Melissa has heartburn, not blood clots!!!
This is the first time, Melissa, our "healthy patient", has experienced any side effects. The doctor told us to get an over the counter heartburn medicine, Prilosec. On the way home, we made a quick trip to Walgreens to purchase the medication.
Melissa has also been working on her portfolio this week for the completion of her master's degree.
Two chemo treatments to go and two graduate classes to go! Melissa is anxious to cross both of these items off her "To Do" list.
Melissa continues to stay positive even as she experiences this "bump in the road" heartburn! She just keeps looking forward to the finish line.
Thank you for your continuous prayers and support!
Thank you for keeping all of us up to date. We think of Melissa often here in the Harmon House. So glad this "bump in the road" was just a little bump and so excited that she is so close to being done. Prayers and Hugs to everyone.