June 26, 2011

Eleven and One!

Melissa had her 11th chemo treatment on Thursday instead of Friday this past week, Dr. Bierman was on vacation on Friday. We gladly moved it up to keep her on the same cycle schedule for the treatments.

Melissa's friend, Nicole, joined us at the  UNMC Cancer Center at Village Pointe. The nurses and staff were very nice. The two pharmacists came out to meet Melissa and introduced themselves as her "bartenders".

Melissa and Nicole

Melissa was able to go to two College World Series games this week.

Shelby and Melissa enjoying hot chocolate at the stormy Monday night CWS game.

Melissa and Katie at the Friday night CWS game.

On Saturday, Melissa attended a friend's wedding. Her hair is getting very thin and light, so she decided to wear her wig. Melissa's wig looks like her real hair! When Melissa came home, she took off her wig, looked at me, and said humorously, "I look like a drag queen with full make-up on and a sweaty head!"

One treatment to go! Friday, July 8th, will be her 12th chemo treatment. Melissa will have a battery of tests done six to eight weeks after chemo #12.   These tests are scheduled for Wednesday, August 24th. It will be a full day at UNMC. The day will conclude with a meeting with Dr. Bierman.We are hoping to get the results during our meeting. We will be praying that all tests are negative and that Melissa will be in remission!

Melissa's attitude is  positive and her faith is strong! Prayers are powerful! We thank you for all of your  prayers and support!


  1. Hi Maggie,

    I have probably only met Melissa maybe once, but I have been praying for her from the very beginning because I know how powerful prayer can be!! I have enjoyed reading about her journey (and yours!). You all seem so strong and focused and it is truly amazing what positive attitudes and prayer can do! I will continue to keep Melissa (and your family) in my daily prayers! Karla Brown

  2. Always thinking of you!!!! You look beautiful with or without the wig.......and your final days of all this are just ahead. :)

    Positive thoughts are with you with your final steps ahead. Keep up the battle!
