April 29, 2012


Saturday, April 28th, Melissa and 15 of her friends participated in the 2012 Nebraska Lymphomathon. Melissa's team was named "HodgePodge". It was a beautiful morning for the walk at Mahoney State Park.

Melissa was excited to see Maribeth, her oncology nurse.

She is so grateful to all who donated to her team, to all who joined her for the walk, and the many prayers people have given towards her remission! Thank You! She feels so blessed to have all of you in her life!

Steve and I look at her in the "Survivors" picture with tears in our eyes! All survivors at the Nebraska Lymphomathon were given a yellow shirt to wear!!!We give thanks to God, our families, and our friends everyday! We also realize the Power of Prayer and Melissa's Power of Positive Attitude! She continues to teach kindergarten, workout at the gym, and work her 2nd job at the Market Basket. Melissa is truly a remarkable young woman!

Thursday, June 7th, will be Melissa's next set of blood tests and scans. I plan to blog that day.

We thank all of you for your continued prayers and support! Life is Good! God is Great!