January 28, 2012

Cancer Survivor One Year---Priceless!

Melissa was diagnosed one year ago today with Advanced Stage 4 Hodgkins Lymphoma. We were told the minute you are diagnosed, you are a cancer survivor. Today we congratulate Melissa and celebrate! Today she is a "One Year Cancer Survivor"!!!

Our family has been reliving January 2011 as if it were yesterday. It all seems surreal to us! We thank all of you for your continuous prayers and support.

Melissa's life is becoming " normal" once again! She has her own apartment, loves teaching kindergarten, works part-time at the Market Basket, and is working out at the gym to gain her stamina back! One thing she wishes for...is that her hair would grow faster! However, her hair is somewhat long enough for her to use her flat iron!

All in all, one year later, we are so very grateful. We are truly blessed and excited to celebrate this day!

On February 9th, 2012, Melissa will have her first set of scans since August, 2011. She will begin her day with lab work, next CT scans, and conclude with her appointment with Dr. Bierman. Prayers are very appreciated!!! I will blog that day.

Thank you for your caring thoughts, concerns, and prayers. Life is Good! God is Great!