Friday, May 27th, Melissa completed her 9th chemo treatment. Dr. Bierman, her oncologist, asked Melissa when her school year will end. She responded with a huge smile, "The last day was yesterday. Today is my first day of summer vacation and I have chosen to spend it with you!" Dr. Bierman started laughing!Melissa's bloodwork was "borderline" today. The doctor went ahead with the chemo treatment as scheduled. The nurse told us to watch for any fever or chills or other reactions. Why was the lab work "borderline"? We don't know.....could be Melissa's head cold, stress, last minute paperwork for school, closing her classroom, or even the sadness of seeing her kindergarteners move on to first grade. All in all, Melissa has had alot on her plate these past two weeks.
Melissa relaxed this weekend at our cabin at Woodcliff. She walked around the lake, slept, went for a boat ride, and socialized with friends. It was very low key....just what the doctor would have ordered!
Melissa did ask Dr. Bierman about bug bites. What should she do? Should she be concerned? He responded that the bug would probably die due to all the chemo in her. We all laughed!
Melissa's summer consists of 2 major goals:
1. complete all her chemo treatments (12 total)
2. complete her master's program (9 hours left)
So....three more treatments to go to complete goal #1!
Summer school begins June 6th for her first graduate class. Melissa will be taking 3 classes this summer to complete goal #2!
God continues to bless Melissa with her strength, courage, and positive attitude. We continue to thank all of you for your prayers and support as her journey continues!